Hello, what's Autoscrape?

Scrape for company websites, emails, phone numbers, and addresses.

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Search Engine Result Page (SERP) scraping is a powerful way to scrape for data via search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Data includes company names, websites, phone numbers, and emails.

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So now you have the most powerful web scraper in your hands, but what good does it serve if you do not deploy your data? Use our in-built webhooks to consistently bring live data to your project by requesting an API key.

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Google Maps

Google Maps (GMaps) is another powerful tool to assist with data scraping. Return results from businesses featured on Google Maps filtered by countries. The data includes phone numbers and business addresses.

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SERP. Search engine powered.

Search Engine Result Page (SERP) scraping is a powerful way to scrape for data via search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Data includes company names, websites, phone numbers, and emails.

Integration. Flawless execution.

So you have the most powerful web scraper in your hands, but what good does it serve if you do not deploy your data? Use our in-built webhooks to consistently bring live data to your project by requesting an API key.

Local Businesses. Google Maps.

Google Maps (GMaps) is another powerful tool to assist with data scraping. Return results from businesses featured on Google Maps filtered by countries. The data includes phone numbers and business addresses.

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It's free anyway. Sign up for an account now to scrape for emails, addresses, and more. Get started with one hundred free scrape results.

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